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Welcome to My Blog!
Cikey | 94line | BANA | WithJS |
Makeup Lover | Photography | Graphic Designer |
Love to Chat | Ulzzang Fashion



Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's about what i think

Hey dear~
Now, i want to share my feeling to you ~
It's just about this blog.
Actually i feel scared to make this beauty blog (i have art & design blog before).
I just think that how if people dont like about my post here.
I just try to share about beauty here. Sometime i confused too.
Since i'm from Indonesia, should I write my post with indonesian or with english?
Funny right. That simple think can make me confused. x__x
But finally i decide. With my bad english, i try to talk with people from various countries.
But if you an indonesian and there is something that you dont understand my english, I would be happy to explain it in Indonesian. ;)
Actually, i started to share my beauty review cause of my hater! x__x
She said that i use photo editing too much. ckck
It's true that i use photo editing, but it's really not much like what she think ><
Can't I write my name on my photo? Can't I change the photo color? Can't I adjust the brightness level?
ahh~ too many want i ask to her if i meet her. ckck
Just cant think..
Are use a make up make something wrong?
I just like and care about beauty, so in here i'll make this blog.
To share my favorite with others. And also i want to get friends too :D
I'm not an expert, but i love the miracle of make up!
I think my post will make you sleepy right? kk
Any suggestion? xP


  1. you should never care about what other thinks about your blog especially when it comes from a hater. If it is a constructive criticism, sure, you can try to listen. but haters, ignore haters.

  2. u
    thx so much rosdiana..
    i just think that hater will hate everything..
    they will never care about the truth..
    just make them my motivation for be a better person :D

  3. hello cikey :)
    my English isn't good enough as well, and i always try to learn everyday to improve my English :)
    my advice is, just be yourself ^^ if you're not familiar with English, just write blog in Indonesian. Sometimes i write in Indonesia too :) Don't force yourself with something that you're not familiar.
    i also tend to do many grammatical errors, so let's improve our english skill everyday ^__^ fighting!

    don't forget to join my 2nd giveaway ^__^

    1. haha
      i just try to use english cause i think i can learn too with post something on this blog..
      i'm sure that my grammar totally wrong xDD
      let's improve our skill!
      Fighting" xD


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