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Monday, August 20, 2012

Goodbye Blackhead ^^

hello~ hello~ :D
Like my promise before, i'll give a review about other facial soap. My favorite of course xDD
It's Clean & Clear Deep Action Daily Pore Cleanser :D
for your information, i use two kinds of facial soap every washing my face xD
I use clean & clear only on my nose. it's totally effective to remove the blackheads.

I use two soap cause if i only use clean & clear, arround my face (except check and nose) will be like burning and feel tingle.
I still choose this cause it's totally effective remove the blackheads on my nose.
(It's about 2-3 days washing :D)
The texture like it's has a sand scrub xD

But unfortunatelly, this soap make us such dependence.
For the example, you always use this product every you washing your face, but suddenly u didnt, trust me! Less than 2 days, the blackheads will come back to your face, even more. x_x
So let's decide what do you want :)
Just can suggest you. Dont ever to change your facial foam if it's suitable for your skin :)


  1. Hallo salam kenal ^^
    Aku pernah pake ini juga soalnya blackhead ku parah, tapi ga mempan di aku >< blackhead ttep banyak T.T
    Thanks for sharing ya :D

    1. @melisa
      oo gx mempan ya ><
      aq sabun muka buat ngilangin blackhead cma mempan pke ini nih x__x
      tapi ya itu, sekali gx pake berapa hari lsung keluar lgi.. malah bsa lebih byak :(
      qm pke'a apa buat ilangin blackhead?

  2. kapan2 mau coba ah ^^
    komedoku tuhh kecil-kecil ma susah diambil ><
    salam kenal yaaa..
    wanna follow each other?

    1. salam kenal juga ^^
      iya sama,, aq jga gx bsa diambil x__x
      btw aq uda follow qm yaa :D

  3. hai, salam kenal :)
    aq pernah coba ini, kalo buat bersihin muka aja sich ok, tapi kalo buat blackhead yg bandel, aq masi harus pakai pore pack atau scrub mask.
    Btw aq follower baru di blogmu. Kalau berkenan follow balik aq ya di:

    thank u udah sharing :)

    1. salam kenal :D
      hoo gtu yaa ><
      jadi qm pke apa ni yg ampuh buat ngilangin blackhead nya
      aq juga uda follow ^^

    2. aq biasa pakai biore pore pack kadang juga skinfood black sugar mask+rice mask buat ngilangin komedonya.
      Btw nama aq Deasy, thnx ya udah follow balik :)

    3. hoo..
      ampuh yaa?
      bkin ketergantungan gx
      sma" deasy :D


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