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Sunday, December 27, 2015

GEO Big Grang Grang Brown Lens

Holla everyone! 
Have you guys read my review about Big Grang Grang Choco Lens before?
So I just bought another colour of GEO Big Grang Grang which is Brown colour.
And today I'll going to review that.
So here is it.
Still didn't had any difference on packaging with the old one.
Actually the packaging is only the bottle itself. 
They didn't use secondary packaging.
It's P-0.50 because i bought for (-) 0.5 type.
They have GEO Medical Address too in their bottle sticker.
It still hard to opened this kind of packaging lol
So this is how it looks,
The colour more light than Choco colour but it still give me a natural look.
And this is when I'm using it on my eyes.
I never dissapointed with GEO Big Grang Grang 
because it always give me a pair of dolly eyes xD

Anyway here is the details:
Color: Brown
Diameter: 14.8 mm
Base Curve: 8.8 mm
Water Content: 38%
Manufacturer: GEO Medial Co.,Ltd
Made in Korea

Thanks for reading and
Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday Everyone! <3


  1. Coklatnya bagus dan kelihatan cukup besar ya~ Aku emang lagi cari yang warna coklat, coklat bagus buatku >___<

    1. iya.. soalnya memang kayanya konsep softlennya natural dolly look gtu haha
      sebenernya kalau udah dipake gak terlalu keliatan lebih terang ini/choco.. soalnya 2-2nya sama2 nyatu warnanya

    2. wah gitu ya, jadi pingin deh, aku waktunya ganti contact lens masih 3 bulan lagi sih, tapi tetep aja ngiler liatnya, coklat soalnya XDDD


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